Day 3: Training Day??! 


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The Boys arose on time but definitely groggy! The grog the day before definitely did its work! Unfortunately Mike and Bone had a 8:00AM Train to catch and they boogied out into the warm summer morning, walking down a steep hill getting down to the train station getting there 10 to 8:00. The Boys didn't worry breakfast, coffee, or just plain old fashioned water because Bone knew in most European Trains, they have a Cafe Car to buy Treats!


A Beautiful Morning View walking down to the Train Station

The train slowly chugged out of Split heading for Zagreb, the Capital of Croatia at 8:00 AM sharp with our hapless heroes on board!  Soon, Mike and Bone figured out why they were not only hapless, but currently helpless!!


Cruisin' Croatian backwoods in a backward Train from the Soviet-Era 1950's!

After an hour on the road, they were still chugging at around 40 miles and hour!! The damned thing never got outta first gear it seemed, only to discover that ...........................


Thirsty !?! Let them eat Ice Cream!!

It also became painfully apparent that there was no air conditioning on this durned old contraption, and the further the moved away from the coast, the hotter it became! Even worse there was no Cafe Car!


The Croatian Back Country

Now to most people, the best way to cure a day of being over-served is water. Lots and lots of pure, clear, cold, water!!  Sadly, for nearly 5 hours the Boys baked in the hot train car, not saying much because their mouths were so dry. Oddly enough, a train conductor, walked through the cars offer to sell ice cream! No water! No coffee! Only freakin' Ice cream!?!


Zagging through the Zagreb Train Station

Mercifully around 2:30 the train pulled into the capital of Croatia, Zagreb. Mike and Bone jumped off of the train bought some sammies and lotsa water immediately, because their connector train to Budapest was leaving at 3:00!


Illegal Entry to Hungary?

The next train was marginally better. It at least had air conditioning! Around 5:00, Mike and Bone saw a change in scenario from arid hills to lush forest along with a sign that welcomed the Boys to Hungary! It was interesting that no passport was needed between countries as they chugged along from the afternoon into the darkness of the evening. The whole day was consumed on these ancient Soviet-style trains. No wonder everyone in the Warsaw Pact was so dour! Finally around 8:00 PM. after 12 hours, they pulled into the great cities of Buda and Pest (pronounced Pesth)


Mike and Bone, being pests at Night in Budapest!

Getting there excited the Boys so much that they didn't realize that they got off at the first train station, not the main train station! Exciting the train station, Mike and Bone noticed that there wasn't anyone around especially taxis! The Boys first tried Uber, but Hungary does not have Uber! After 20 minutes a cab showed up, who stated he was for someone else but told the boys about a local service that they could get off of the App Store.

Finally, after downloading the App, they were able to call a cab and head to their Hotel!


Mike and Bone, being pests at Night in Budapest!

In the cab, Mike and Bone noticed a ton of pizza places as they headed to their hotel in the heart of the city. Upon checking in the Boys headed out in the wide boulevard the Hotel was on (reminiscent of Paris!) an up two blocks to a local 'Za outlet, serving slices like it was in New York! 

The slices and local beers were OK, but after 5 hours of nothin' it was the best thing since sliced bread!


Which makes a lot of sense when you think of it, a slice of pizza vs. a slice of bread!?! At least this is what the befuddled Boys were contemplating as they crashed for the night!